I Feel Good Today!

One of my all time favourite walls! 🤗 My client was looking at an installation that combined utility and art. He wanted a wall where he could fix his cycle on, and remove it to use anytime he required. The measurements of the cycle tyres, the width of the cycle, how much of an area the handle would cover, and a lot of other things had to be taken into consideration for this installation! We discussed it over for months, with various ideas (as you see in the images above), and finally went with the most simple one. After a lot of discussions, I ended up painting this wall. The best part? I painted this wall on the same day I had a break up. The wall illustrated the complete opposite of how I felt, but I had to force myself to work on it for two straight days with a smile on my face.I was that artist that always believed that your mood affects your art. Now, I believe my art can affect my mood 😊

I used hints of teal color, and shadows to make the quote stand out. This wall is the first thing you see when you get out of the lift, and we had to make sure that everyone that saw this wall felt better after seeing it. I thought twice before sharing this personal story, but I hope it makes your day and you feel good today! 😊💛

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