So, What is your biggest canvas (yet) ?

Ever painted on a canvas that is sized 230 square feet? I have 🙂 

One of the biggest highlights of my journey with painting, has to be this one! @canofjuiceofficial got in touch with me for this project at Radisson, and initially they had a different painting in mind. I was so excited when this project came about, and didn’t believe someone trusted me with this much! We spoke for a bit on costings, ideas, how to execute it, everything! It was only a couple of weeks later, that the project got finalised and the excited, irrational person in me said I’ll paint this canvas at home! I didn’t realise that the canvas was so big, that it might not fit into my house (Where i work from, btw!). I usually spend hours figuring the dimensions of the project and how to execute it easily but I think I was so excited, that I missed that step! A rolled up canvas came home when I was in a meeting. My mum took it in and kept wondering how I was going to make this happen! So she did what mom’s do best – save us! She cleared out the furniture in the hall completely, moved it to other rooms, and Tadaaaa! I had the massive space you see! Now, the best part – this had to completed in 7 days. I had other projects going on simultaneously, and started this a little later than I planned. The drawing for this canvas was just a LOT of measurements, so I honestly didn’t know where to start! I spent hours just walking around the canvas and It took me a day to finish the drawing. The next day I started painting it at 11am. I wore a pair of socks cause I would’ve had to walk around the canvas! I painted till 3am the first night and had just taken breaks for lunch & dinner! The same thing went on for 3 days. I watched a couple of movies while I painted this canvas, and on the last day I had my sister come and take pictures of the work I had done! After 3 days, and 3 nights of work – the canvas got rolled up and was sent to get stretched and fixed on the wall, and that’s when the size of this project hit me! It was amazing! 🙂 Coincidentally, Radisson is also the space where I held my first workshop ever. 

Some projects cant be executed without help, and this surely was one! From the tempo guy, to Can of Juice being extremely kind and patient, to my mum and sister, and to the person from whom I got that spa massage after the project was done as well ! I took a good week’s break from work after this and realised, sometime’s I surprise myself 🙂 


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